Maseno University and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University have recently received a generous donation of Orbit Readers by Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Africa, accompanied by a specialized training on the basic use of the devices. The donation of Orbit Readers signifies a tangible step towards breaking barriers for visually impaired students at the universities. With these tools at their disposal, students with visual impairment will have enhanced access to educational materials, fostering independence and academic success. Furthermore, the integration of Braille technology into the university's educational framework not only facilitates learning but also promotes a more inclusive environment where all students can thrive.
The donation of Orbit Readers was further complemented by distribution and training on mobile phones as Assistive Technology Devices. This was through a collaborative effort between Google, GDI Hub, AT Scale, and Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Africa, on the research project to ascertain if mobile phones can be used as Assistive Technology. These devices harness cutting-edge technology to cater to the unique needs of users with visual impairments. From text-to-speech functionalities to intuitive navigation features, these devices empower users to engage with digital content effortlessly.
