Today, countries across the world, though their commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), are getting involved in ensuring that ‘NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND’. More and more efforts are being made by governments across Africa, towards inclusion of those with different abilities and any other marginalized segments of their population. As a developing continent, Africa is committed to ensure that inclusion is not ignored.
What is the BEST solution to bridge the development gap? Innovation & Technology, which has the capacity to bring incredible solutions for the human experience on Earth. Yet, In the 21st century the digital divide for Africa is huge while at the same time, having a huge population that is below the age of 30. To bridge this gap, it is important for the youth to be aware of the skills needed and the opportunities open, to those with the relevant skills to access that inclusive future.
Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Africa (KBTA), works to open the door to opportunities, for those young persons with visual impairments to access digital literacy & skills from primary school to university, colleges and TVET institutions, so that they are armed with the right skills for market driven employment opportunities in a modern Africa. KBTA works in 6 countries from its base in Kenya, to offer end to end programs that address access to quality education and employment skills for VI youth, thus changing lives and promoting inclusion for persons with disabilities.
The Tech4all summit is a platform to engage and inform youth in Kenya on the opportunities that technology can offer and the skills the youth would need to access many opportunities in their career development. KBTA, in collaboration with its partners, is committed to providing information, access and skills to the youth of Kenya in order to bring about change and transformation.